Sibylle von Halem
born in Germany, 1963
lived in USA & Pakistan, 1975 - 2003 in Glasgow, GB. Since 2003 in Germany and Austria.
projects and exhibitions since 1985
works for public places since 1990
workshops, project development & -organisation since 1990
1985 - 1986 City of Birmingham Polytechnic, GB. M.A. Fine Art.
1981 - 1985 Glasgow School of Art, GB. B.A. Hons. Fine Art / Sculpture
Overview, 2007 – 2015:
Sibylle von Halem, one-person show includng installation "Gespinst", Stadtgalerie Amthof, 9560 Feldkirchen, Austria (May-June)
"LAndED", LandArt Symposium, Beerse, Beligium (May)
IKSIT Ceramic Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria (July)
"skin deep", one-person show, Galerie Porcia, Spittal / Drau, Austria (Sept.)
"wie geht es mir?" interaktive Installation, Seh:Bühne im Raj, Badgasse Klagenfurt
"black & white", exhibition with Manfred Mörth, Galerie Herzogburg, St. Veit / Glan, Austria
"Reception" Hotel Obir, exhibition project of Galerie Vorspann, Bad Eisenkappel, Austria
"Sampling II - Konzert der Skulpturen",sculpture exhibition outdoors, Stift Ossiach, Austria
"Die Stadt als Galerie", St. Andrae / Lavanttal, Austria
"Small Pieces III/1", Galerie Eugen Lendl, Graz, Austria
"OPAION" Installation in the old chapel, Carinthian Museum of Modern Art, Klagenfurt, Austria [publication]
"Struktur und Immaterialität", exhibition, Künstlerhaus Klagenfurt (participation & co-curation) [catalogue]
"bedrock", 45. Sculpture Symposium Krastal, Austria (participation & organisation) [publication]
"ArteVent", sculpture in the landscape, Ötztal, Austria
"SolArt", Symposium for sculpture using photovoltaics, St. Veit a.d. Glan, Austria
"bad habits", Galerie Vorspann / Galerija Vprega, Bad Eisenkappel, Austria
"Salawa / von Halem / Vouk", exhibition with Karl Vouk & Katharina Salawa, Künstlerhaus Klagenfurt, Austria
"zwischen welten" (“between worlds”) one-person show, Kunstraum Ewigkeitsgasse, Vienna, Austria
"absences", One-person show, Galerie der BV Bildender Künstler, Klagenfurt, Austria
"4711", group show, Lichtenegger ReArt, St. Stefan / Lavanttal, Austria
"Parc Stones", sculpture exhibition in the city park & architecture museum, Wroclaw, Poland.
"ArteVent", sculpture in the landscape, Ötztal, Austria
"SolArt", Symposium for sculpture using photovoltaics, St. Veit a.d. Glan, Austria [catalogue]
"wo anders" ("else where"), one-person show, Galerie Gmünd, Austria
"Steinzeit", Granite Sculpture Symposium, Lelkendorf, near Rostock, Germany [catalogue]
"Kunst aus dem Koffer" (art from the suitcase), group exhibition in the old water tower, Dachau, Germany
Jan. - Jun. Studio Residency, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France (award by Carinthian government)
"Sibylle von Halem - Skulptur Fotografie Objekt" one-person show, Kunstwerk Krastal, Austria [catalogue]
"temporary lodgings", exhibition, Sommerfestival, Schloss Zeilitzheim, Germany
"Die Andere Hälfte", Bildhauerinnen / Kunstwerk Krastal, Galerie Freihausgasse, Villach [publication]
"HausFürDieWolken“ ("house for the clouds") – sculpture for cycle route, Leoganger KinderKultur, Austria
"Lichtblicke", group show, Petit Palais, Bacherplatz, Vienna, Austria
"Wege zur Schlichtheit", exhibition, Japanese Garden, Todendorf bei Rostock, Germany
Miyazaki Internation Exhibition of Contemporary sculpture, Japan [catalogue]
Curation of exhibition "be-suchen", Tyrolean Artists at Krastal, Austria
"Pathfinder", 41. International Stone Sculpture Symposium, Krastal, Austria [catalogue]
"Liquid", exhibition, old water-tower, Vienna, Austria
Stone & water sculpture, Millstatt, Austria (with M. Seibald & H. Machhammer)
"WorldPool", 40. Symposion Krastal, participation and co-organisation, Krastal, Austria [catalogue]
"ArteVent", sculpture in the landscape, Ötztal, Austria
Hualien International Stone Sculpture Symposium, Taiwan [catalogue]
one-person shows:
2015 Sibylle von Halem, one-person show includng installation "Gespinst", Stadtgalerie Amthof, 9560 Feldkirchen, Austria (May-June)
2014 "skin deep", one-person show, Galerie Porcia, Spittal / Drau, Austria
2013 "wie geht es mir?" ("how am I?") interactive installation, Seh:Bühne, Klagenfurt, Austria
"OPAION", Installation in the old chapel, Museum of Modern Art Carinthia, Klagenfurt, Austria
2012 "bad habits", Galerie Vorspann, Bad Eisenkappel, Austria
2011 "zwischen welten" (“between worlds”) Kunstraum Ewigkeitsgasse, Vienna, Austria
"absences", Galerie der BV Bildender Künstler, Klagenfurt, Austria
2010 "wo anders" ("else where"), Galerie Gmünd, Gmünd (K), Austria
2009 "Sibylle von Halem - Skulptur Fotografie Objekt", Kunstwerk Krastal, Austria [catalogue]
"temporary lodgings", exhibition, Sommerfestival, Schloss Zeilitzheim, Germany
2001 "a view of the surface", Hunterian Museum, Glasgow University
1997 "evches" ("wishes"), Monagri Foundation, Cyprus [catalogue]
1995 "Circumstantial Evidence", Crawford, St. Andrews; & East Kilbride Arts Centre, GB [catalogue]
two-person shows:
2013 "black & white", with Manfred Mörth, Galerie Herzogburg, St. Veit / Glan, Austria
1994 "Echo Location", with Judy Spark, Intermedia Gallery, Glasgow, GB
1991 "Terrain", with Karen Forbes, Glasgow Print Studio Gallery, Glasgow, GB [publication]
1987 "New Sculpture", with Andrew Miller; Collective Gallery, Edinburgh, GB
numerous group shows since 1985, selection 1990 – 2006:
2006 "Out door show", with Max Seibald und Egon Straszer, Künstlerhaus Klagenfurt, Österreich
2005 "Geschlossene Gesellschaft - Offenes Haus", 38. Symposion Krastal, Austria [catalogue]
"Fünf", 5-person show, BBK-Galerie im Kulturspeicher, Würzburg, Germany
"Sekundenschlaf", 3-person show, Galerie Nothburga, Innsbruck, Austria
2004 "naturarte“ , Lodi, near. Milano, Italy
2001/02 "the Journey of the 'Stone", Galerie de Beerenburght, Eck en Wiel, Netherlands
- second journey: Bonhoga Gallery, Shetland, GB
2000 "Still form bright line", contemporary sculpture, Canary Wharf, London, GB
1998 "Intimacies", Centre des Marges, Rethymnon Centre for Contemporary Art, Crete
& 'Epikentro' Athens, Greece
1997 National Art Fair, Nicosia, Cyprus
1994/95 "Scandex", exhibition of scottish sculpture; touring through Scandinavia.
1993 "Scottish Sculpture Open '7'", Kildrummy Castle Ruins, Aberdeen, GB
1990 "New Directions in Scottish Sculpture", Barbican Arts Centre, London; GB
Artist-in-residence projects
2009 6 months, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France (awarded by Carinthian government)
2000/01 12 months, Glasgow Museums & Glasgow University (part of Scotland's Year of the Artist)
1998 8 months, Sanquhar, Dumfries & Galloway, GB
1997 6 months, Monagri Foundation, Cyprus
1995 9 months, Public Art Residency, Stranraer, GB
1990 6 weeks, Botanic Gardens, Glasgow, GB
1988 3 weeks, Glasgow Garden Festival, GB
Sculpture symposia
2012 "bedrock", 45. International Sculpture Symposium Krastal, (participation & organisation)
"ArteVent", sculpture in the landscape, Ötztal, Austria
"SolArt", Symposium for sculpture using photovoltaics, St. Veit a.d. Glan, Austria
2011 "ArteVent", sculpture in the landscape, Ötztal, Austria
"SolArt", symposium for sculpture using photovoltaics, St. Veit a.d. Glan, Austria
2010 Granite sculpture symposium, Lelkendorf, near Rostock, Germany
2008 "Pathfinder", 41. Symposion Krastal, Austria [catalogue]
2007 "WorldPool", 40. Symposion Krastal, sculpture symposium in Krastal, Austria [catalogue]
"ArteVent", sculpture in the landscape, Ötztal, Austria
Hualien Stone Festival Sculpture Symposium, Taiwan [catalogue]
2006 39. Symposium Krastal - Wolfsberg, Austria [catalogue]
2005 38. "Geschlossene Gesellschaft - Offenes Haus", Symposion Krastal, Austria [catalogue]
2003 36. Symposion Krastal, Krastal (Austria) & Öhringen (Germany) [catalogue]
2002 "Steine ohne Grenzen" International sculpture Symposium, Berlin-Buch, Germany
2000 International stone carving symposium, Erfurt, Germany [catalogue]
1999 International stone carving symposium, Naturpark Oewersauer, Luxembourg
1997 "Traces & Perspectives", International marble carving symposium, Thessaloniki, Greece
Works for public places since 1991:
2012 "Haus auf dem Berg", stone and landscape, Vent, Ötztal, Austria
"sunlight to water 2", sculpture using photovoltaics and light, St. Veit a.d. Glan, Austria
2011 "sunlight to water", sculpture using photovoltaics and light, St. Veit a.d. Glan, Austria
2008/09 "HausFürDieWolken“ ("house for the clouds") sculpture for cycle route, Tyrol, Austria
2007 Stone & water sculpture, Millstatt, Austria (with M. Seibald & H. Machhammer)
2002 "Grenzüberschreitung" ("border crossing"), Berlin-Buch, Germany
2001 Wall of glass blocks & flowers preserved in resin, Hamilton, GB
2000 Pavement artworks in brick clay, Stevenston, GB
"Variations", 3 pieces, fossil limestone, Erfurt, Germany
1999 "wayside marker", flagstone & gold leaf, for prehistoric site, Kirkcudbright, GB
3 works: stone; flowers, bees & gold leaf in resin; Oewersauer nature reserve, Luxembourg
1998 "From Bedrock to Sunlight", solar-energy powered sculpture; Sanquhar, GB
'Old School, New School', mural paintings with pupils, Sanquhar, GB
1996 Paving of esplanade & walls, Agnew Park, Stranraer, GB (with Gilespies Landscape Architects
1995 "Tidemarks" &"Watermark": 2 works: granite &photographic panels, Stranraer, GB
1994 Irvine Roundabout Artworks, 4 pieces (steel, wood, stone, gabions) each 5m h, Irvine , GB.
1993 "River Spiral", sandstone, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, GB
"Springburn Milestone", sandstone & bronze, Glasgow, GB
1992 "Bathgate Map Stones", sandstone & cast bronze plaques, Bathgate, GB
1991 Sandstone Fountain, Schloss Zeilitzheim, Germany
Sculpture Park of St. Veit a.d.Glan, Austria (2 works)
Schloss Lelkendorf, Mecklenburg, Germany
art lodge, Verditz, Austria
Hualien City Sculpture Park, Hualien, Taiwan
BKS Bank, Klagenfurt, Austria
Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, Greece
Monagri Foundation, Cyprus
Glasgow Gallery of Modern Art, Scotland.B.B.C. Scotland
Private collections: in Austria, Britain, Germany, Greece, Cyprus & Czech Republic.