- 2015
Sibylle von Halem
exhibition at Stadtgalerie Amthof, 9560 Feldkirchen, Austria.
08. May - 26. June 2015
one-person show. Including site-specific installation "Gespinst" in the old vault.
Link: http://www.kultur-forum-amthof.at/
- 2014
"skin deep"
exhibition at Galerie Porcia, Spittal / Drau, Austria.
20. Sep - 17. Oct 2014
one-person show. Works made with ceramics, sheepskin, fur and other media: see Works / indoors / 2014
Link: http://www.spittal-drau.at/kultur-tourismus/galerie/sibylle-von-halem.html
"tread softly"
landscape installation in 2 parts, fish nets, thread, stakes, pegs. Each about 1m high x 12m x 15m
"LAndED" Land-Art Symposium, Beerse, 2340 Belgium,
Symposium: 22. April - 04. May 2014. Work on show: 04. May - 15. Jun 2014
Pariticpants: Dominique Bailly, Vincent Brodin, Cathérine Claeyé, Jaak Hillen, Michel Leclercq,
May Oostvogels, Marie-Hélène Richard, Samo Skoberne, Luk Vermeerbergen, Sibylle von Halem
www.landed.be http://landedbeerse.tumblr.com/
- 2013
Installation in the old chapel, MMKK (Museum of Modern Art Carinthia), Klagenfurt, Austria
Curator: Magdalena Felice
Exhibition: 12. December 2013 - 16. Feb 2014.
Artist's talk: 23. January, 7pm. With Sibylle von Halem and Magdalena Felice.
Link: about the space: http://www.mmkk.at/33439_DE-MMK-Kunstraum_Burgkapelle
"Small Pieces III/1 - mixed media"
group show, Galerie Eugen Lendl, Graz, Austria
Exhibition: 06. - 30. November 2013.
"Die Stadt als Galerie" ("the city as a gallery"),
Galerie I, St. Andrae 69, St. Andrae / Lavanttal, Austria
03. October - 30. December 2013
Exhibition with: Dušan Kirbiš, Helmut Machhammer, Manfred Mörth, Lucija Stramec
works shown: "reveal, conceal", "Futterneid", "60 days & nights", "towards dawn"
* new book*
"Sibylle von Halem 2010 - 2013", self-produced & printed on demand.
Here is a link to view the book: http://www.albelli.de/onlinefotobuch-teilen/d98531cf-ba1e-48e2-8356-5e32a91fbad6
To receive the book from me, please fill in the form on the "CONTACT" page!
"Sampling II - Konzert der Skulpturen"
exhibition of sculpture by 14 artists, Stift Ossiach, Ossiach, Austria.
08. June - 30. September 2013
work shown: "Bett im Freien" (bed in the open), see: Works / sculpture outdoors
curated by: Ulli Sturm & Silvie Aigner
Link: http://www.skulpturenpark-stiftossiach.at/de/2013/
Hotel Obir "Reception"
Project by Galerie Vorspann / Galerija Vprega, including 48 artists, architects and others
Bad Eisenkappel, Austria
17. May - 16. June 2013
work shown: "touch the ground", 2012 (see: Works / sculpture outdoors)
Link: http://www.galerievorspann.com/hotelobir/art/participans/participans.html
"black & white"
Exhibition with Manfred Mörth, Galerie in der Herzogburg, St. Veit / Glan, Austria.
26. April - 23. May 2013
works shown: see Works / indoors / 2013
Link: http://www.galerie-herzogburg.at/
tv report: http://www.kult1.tv/die-videosuche/kultur-splitter/vernissage-von-sibylle-von-halem-und-manfred-woerth-in-st.veit
"wie geht es mir?" ("how am I?")
Installation at the "Seh:Bühne" project space at Raj, Klagenfurt, Austria.
01. February - 01. March 2013
5 cubicles divided by curtains, various objects, instructions. See: Works / indoors / 2013.
curated by: Ulli Sturm
- 2012
"Salawa / von Halem / Vouk"
exhibition with Katharina Salawa & Karl Vouk, Künstlerhaus Klagenfurt, Austria
works shown: white textile works, see: Works / indoors / 2012
25. October - 22. November 2012
Link: http://www.kunstvereinkaernten.at/Archiv/2012-salawa-halem-vouk.html
"bad habits"
Galerie Vorspann / Galerija Vprega, Bad Eisenkappel, Austria
one-person show. Works shown: works in steel, leather, etc.:see Works / indoors / 2012
07. September - 31. October 2012
Symposium for solar energy, St. Veit / Glan, Austria
20. - 30. August 2012
work created:
"sunlight to water 2", aluminium, steel, photovoltaics, electronics and lighting.
Sited at the old town wall, St. Veit / Glan.
Symposium for sculpture in the landscape
Vent, Ötztal, Tirol, Austria (about 2000m above sea level)
06. - 17. August 2012
work created: "Haus auf dem Berg", siehe: Works / sculpture outdoors
Link: http://www.oetztal.com/main/DE/VE/SO/events/artevent/rueckblick/2012/index.html
"bedrock", 45. International Stone Sculpture Symposium Krastal
Organisation and participation
work created: "touch the ground", see: Works / sculpture outdoors
16. July - 07. August 2012
Kunstwerk Krastal, Krastaler Str. 24, A- 9541 Einöde / Villach, Austria.
catalogue: available from Kunstwerk Krastal, Link: www.krastal.com
"Struktur und Immaterialität" (structure and immateriality)
Co-curation and participation
Exhibition of sculptural works by 22 artists, Künstlerhaus Klagenfurt, Austria
work shown: "Brausebad", see: Works / indoors / 2012
29. June - 18. August 2012
catalogue: available from Kunstverein Kärnten, Link: http://www.kunstvereinkaernten.at/Archiv/2012-StrukturImmaterialitaet.html
- 2011
symposium for solar energy,
St. Veit / Glan, Austria
11. - 20. August 2011
work created: "sunlight to water" (I will wash myself with light),
bathroom sink, steel, photovoltaics, electronics and lighting.
Sited at the old town wall, St. Veit / Glan.
Symposium for sculpture in the landscape
Vent, Ötztal, Tirol, Austria (about 2000m above sea level)
1. - 10. August 2011
continuing with work titled "Haus auf dem Berg" (house on a mountain), (completed in 2012)
Link: http://www.vent.at/main/DE/VE/SO/events/artevent/rueckblick/2011/index.html
"Parc Stones",
Group exhibition of stone sculpture in a public park,
and smaller works in a museum of architecture in Wroclaw, Poland.
work shown: "Puzzlebox", see: Works / sculpture outdoors
June - September 2011
Curated by: Max Seibald
exhibition of 47 artists at Lichtenegger REART, St. Stefan / Lavanttal, Austria
Work shown: "alone together", see: Works / indoors / 2012
16. June - 4. September 2011
Curated by Manfred Mörth.
BV-Galerie, Klagenfurt, Austria
one-person show. Works shown: see Works / 2011
07. - 30. June 2011
"zwischen welten" ("between worlds")
one-person show, Kunstraum Ewigkeitsgasse / Verein welt&co, Vienna, Austria
works shown: Triptych "absences in mind and memory, related works 2010 - 2011
07. March - 03. April 2011
- 2010
"Kunst aus dem Koffer" "art from the suitcase",
artists' exchange Klagenfurt - Dachau
exhibition in the old water tower, Dachau, Germany
works shown: "towards dawn" and "temporary lodgings", see: Works / indoors / 2009
20. - 28. November 2010
Members' exhibition,
Carinthian Artists Union
Group exhibition at Alpen Adria Galerie, Klagenfurt, Austria
work shown: "in your neighbourhood", see: Works / indoors / 2010
04. Nov - 24. Nov 2010
"wo anders" (else where)
Galerie Gmünd, Gmünd (K), Austria
one-person show,
works shown: see Works / indoors / 2010, & selected works from 2009
05. August - 26. September 2010
Granite Sculpture Symposium
Schloss Lelkendorf, nr. Rostock, Germany.
Working with local granite boulders. Work created: "islands again", see: Works / sculpture outdoors.
14 - 28 August 2010
- 2009
Sibylle von Halem - Skulptur Fotografie Objekt
one-person show at Kunstwerk Krastal, Austria
works shown: see Works / indoors / 2009 and selected works from 2000 - 2004
09 August - 09.September 2009
Krastalerstraße 24, 9541 Einöde bei Villach, Austria.
A catalogue was published to accompany this exhibition - see "CONTACT" page.